the sad and gloomy days are GONE!
That's what the title suggests and that's what i hope for. Things have been going great for me since my last post which is about how many months ago? ahh....yah.....5 months ago. I've been stuck in a rut for quite some time now and it's time to break from the things that are holding me from from sin. umm.....sin....that's what's ultimately all about. God hates sin.
Boy oh boy!....these 5 months have certainly made an impact in my life, my thinking and my relationships with countless people (and no i'm not talking about BGRs here). The utter realization that God has put me to the test in which i failed miserably. i realize i'm not strong enough. His thoughts are so much higher than my thoughts and so are His ways. There's no point in trying to decipher that code which surrounds my life and circumstances with my own understanding. The only way of getting through the tough times, to be successful in meaningful relationships, marriage and life itself is to look to God first. Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Seeking His kingdom first other than ours (Matthew 6:33) is a commitment that's so easy to say but hard to do. Many Christians today (i'm reminding myself too!) try and seek the best in their education, striving hard for the best job, trying multiple ways to multiply their income, getting a nice car, home and trying to live comfortable lives. It's alright to think and have some desire for these but once we're thinking more of it rather than letting God be the main reason in our lives, we're most probably making these things our idols without even realizing it....hence sinning! Well, i've begun re-examining myself about my thoughts and actions especially recently on a day-to-day basis. Counting my failures, repenting of my sins and trying to be true to God and myself (if that makes any sense) and seeking His purpose in my life, not how people look at me and expect me to be. Well, i'll sum up what was going on in my life 5 months till now in the next paragraph.
Well, i've bonded with certain "people"who were around me since i first stepped in Port Dickson. The term "people" is used because it's wide. I'll elaborate. "People"- joash, shaun, asaph, jin swan, edmund, jerome, peh yung, may ann, charis, cindy, gideon, george, marcus and the hunks from Firm Foundation (mun, kuan, steven, guan, peter, thomas, jabez, foo, unc. lazarus, joseph, tey and fatt)'s not in any chronological or whatever order. I may have bonded more with some "people" in the middle compared to the front ones....or maybe not ('s my version of trash talking?;P). And yeah, i picked up ping pong again. The guys at FF are hard to beat...i just stand a fighting chance in beating jerome. The rest of the guys i don't have to even mention. they beat me flat. Jerome'll beat me flat too if he's on top form ...hahaha. The bros in FF are a sense that they sort of "motivate" me to exercise just like in a gym minus the equipment. This is what i do in my weekly routine: jogging 50 rounds around a badminton court at least 3 times a week and cycling to and fro Firm Foundation(should be around 2 km per session) around 4-5 times a week. My daily routine(though still not as consistent): pumping 4 sets of 25 each and chin ups 4 sets of 10 each. All this in addition to playing futsal/ sepak takraw/ ping pong. All in all i'm glad that i get to meet and know such wonderful souls here in Port Dickson which was supposed to be the land i was desperately trying to get out of. The youths here have been great. Was surprised with the enthusiasm of jin swan and edmund when they got sucked into music. One is an avid linkin park and fort minor fan.....the other's more of a versatile listener. For me....i'm outdated on music rite now. And my oh my, has my taste of music changed!....i'm so into pop tunes which was not so a few months ago i think. Not so into britney spears and aguilera but more of umm mandy moore, kelly clarkson, avril lavigne and vanessa carlton...more of their older stuffs. My all time favourite should still be "a thousand miles" by vanessa carlton. Looks like numinous' gonna sound "poppish" from the drums for a while....heheh :)
gtg now.....this entry will be continued...